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    Pepy Ride


    Ueno Village

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Lost In Translation, The Sequel

Well, I have been here for about a month now and some peculiarities and observations I have made are the following:

1) Japanese people bow like crazy. And me being the culturally ignoring foreigner that I am, I bow back, and then they bow back again, and then I again bow. This goes on for several minutes until I have eventually bowed my way across a room. In the next room I have to do the entire bowing process again.

2) If you know one or two Japanese phrases and use them even halfway decently the Japanese people will say you are an absolute whiz of the language. They will say something like: "AHHHHH! You know Jappppanese vaaary vaaary well."

3) Sometimes when I am sitting in the office at school I over hear the teachers talking. Well, most of the time I just zone them out. However, there are times when I hear them jabbering away in their crazy fast Nihongo and then all of a sudden I hear 'Isaac-san' and then they start laughing or say something like 'AHHHHH.....HAI!' and then they casually pass a glance my way. Haha....ha....um...I think they are plotting to kill me.

4) Fishy Tasting Flakey Things + Any Food Product = Instant Deliciousness
However, the above statement is false for most foreigners, including yours truly. You know that fishy taste that most people dislike about fish--in fact, in the U.S. the best tasting fish are normally the ones that don't have that fishy tasth--well, that is like filet mignon here.

5) The absolute best drinking parties are in Japan. Reason why: it is not proper etiquette to fill one's own cup with a drink, like sake, beer, or wine. Instead, someone else is always there to fill your cup to the brim every time you need another drink. Beware however, this can actually backfire but you won't realize it until the next morning, or mornings, afterwards like in my case.

6) Raw horse is never okay to eat despite how drunk you may be. And although it may taste good at the time, that is just your drunk brain playing drunk tricks on you. You will realize your error the next morning in the shower as you are puking up Black Beauty. Sorry for the visual.

7) Driving in Japan is considered to be only for the craziest of crazy people. In fact, many passengers wanting legalized euthanasia will oftentimes volunteer to ride shotgun with no seatbelt.


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